
319 Downtown Plaza, Fairmont, MN 56031

Week of March 24 – March 30, 2025

Wed Mar 26:
11:00  Newsletter assembly-volunteers welcome!
  5:30  Lenten Service
  5:30  Free Community Meal
  7:00  Choir practice
Thu Mar 27:
  9:30  Bible study
Sun Mar 30:
10:00  Contemporary Worship with Genesis worship band
             Noisy Sunday
             Blessing Box collection
11:00   Sunday School

Birthdays for March 23 – March 29, 2025

Mar 24          Michael Meschke 
                        Deb Thate
                        Clint Forstrom
                        Presley Wegner
Mar 27          Rorik Cain
Mar 28          Blakely Weber     
Mar 29          Jennifer Weaver

Anniversaries for March 23 – March 29, 2025

Mar 29            Jim & Judie Orr                    40 yrs


Lenten Services are all this month on Wednesdays, starting at 5:30 PM. Join us for a mid-week spiritual “refueling” in a more intimate worship atmosphere.
The Worship board is making plans for our church’s Easter Celebration. We are once again planning to adorn the sanctuary with flowers for Easter Sunday. If you wish to purchase a flower, we ask that you either sign up on the sheet provided at the back of the sanctuary or call the church office (235-5382) to order. The plants will be in 6-inch pots with wrap and a bow. The cost will be:
           $18 for an Easter lily, a Cyclamen, or a Calandiva,
            & $40 for a Hydrangea.
You can either drop payment in the offering plate or mail to the church (319 Downtown Plaza, Fairmont, MN 56031). Be sure to indicate with your payment, your name & type of plant for which you are paying. THE LAST DAY TO ORDER IS SUNDAY, APRIL 6th. We look forward to Easter and your gift of flowers.                                                                                                                                                                                   -The Worship Board
The next Free Community Meal is on Wednesday, March 26th, starting at 5:30 PM. The Worship board will be serving meatballs, potatoes & gravy, salad, cupcakes & beverages.
The Worship board is looking for volunteers to donate 2 dozen frosted cupcakes for the free community meal on Wednesday, March 26th. Sign up in the back.
Do you know where the closest fire extinguisher is at church in case of a fire? The Facilities board has made a list of where all 13 fire extinguishers are in the church. If you would like a list to be prepared in case of an emergency, they are on the back table.

Martin Luther Jr/Sr High School is having their annual Spring Rummage & Bake Sale on Thursday, March 27 (4 – 8PM), Friday, March 28 (8 AM – 8 PM), & Saturday, March 29 (8 AM – noon). Proceeds will go to the school’s educational services.

Genesis Classical Academy is hosting their Spring Fling on Saturday, April 5, at the Winnebago Elementary School gym, 132 1st Ave. SE, Winnebago. Dinner, including tiki-style pork on a bun, with sides, dessert, and beverages, will be served from 5:00-6:45 PM. Dinner is $15/adult and $7/child 12 and under. There is also a silent auction, a live auction, a raffle and entertainment. Genesis Classical Academy, a nondenominational Christian academy in Winnebago, currently serves students in preschool through Grade 12. 


First Congregational UCC Announcements​​
Interested in joining First Congregational UCC?
Please speak to Pastor Cory after the service or email him: FirstCongoUCCPastor@gmail.com.​​

​Week of March 31 – April 6, 2025

Tue Apr 1:
Happy April Fool’s Day!
10:00  Lakeview Communion
  6:00  Worship board
Wed Apr 2:
  5:30  Lenten Service
  6:10  Mission board
  7:00  Choir practice
Thu Apr 3:
  5:30  Hospitality board
Sun Apr 6:
10:00  Worship with Ellen Germain
11:00  Sunday School

Birthdays for March 30 – April 5, 2025

Mar 30         Amy Derrera
Apr    4          Caleb Rachuy  
Apr    5          Vonnie Cone
                        Bill Cowing
                        Dan Wenz  

Anniversaries for March 30 – April 5, 2025

Apr    5           Curt & Vicki Bicknase           28 yrs


Thank you to the Genesis Classical Academy Worship Band
for leading us in song today!

Singers                                              Guitars
Brylee Bonnema                              Isaiah Slater (electric)
Moriah Slater                                    Ariel Sahr (acoustic)
Hailey Latourell                                Wesley Meyer (bass)
Ellen Germain (singer)                    Merilyn Yates (piano)
 Jonny Juarez (drum set)

Wednesday Lenten Services continue in April on the 2nd & 9th at 5:30 PM.  Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Services are at 5:30 PM as well. Join us for a mid-week spiritual “refueling” in a more intimate worship atmosphere.
The Worship board is making plans for our church’s Easter Celebration. We are once again planning to adorn the sanctuary with flowers for Easter Sunday. If you wish to purchase a flower, we ask that you either sign up on the sheet provided at the back of the sanctuary or call the church office (235-5382) to order. The plants will be in 6-inch pots with wrap and a bow. The cost will be:
            $18 for an Easter lily, a Cyclamen, or a Calandiva,
            & $40 for a Hydrangea.
You can either drop payment in the offering plate or mail to the church (319 Downtown Plaza, Fairmont, MN 56031). Be sure to indicate with your payment, your name & type of plant for which you are paying. THE LAST DAY TO ORDER IS SUNDAY, APRIL 6th. We look forward to Easter and your gift of flowers.                                                                                                                                                                                   -The Worship Board
Genesis Classical Academy is hosting their Spring Fling on Saturday, April 5, at the Winnebago Elementary School gym, 132 1st Ave. SE, Winnebago. Dinner, including tiki-style pork on a bun, with sides, dessert, and beverages, will be served from 5:00-6:45 PM. Dinner is $15/adult and $7/child 12 and under. There is also a silent auction, a live auction, a raffle and entertainment. Genesis Classical Academy, a nondenominational Christian academy in Winnebago, currently serves students in preschool through Grade 12.
Do you know where the closest fire extinguisher is at church in case of a fire? The Facilities board has made a list of where all 13 fire extinguishers are in the church. If you would like a list to be prepared in case of an emergency, they are on the back table.

 If there is a Sunday that has a special meaning to you and you would like to provide flowers, please sign up on the calendar on the bulletin board.  Write your name and who the flowers are in memory/honor of.  Please know that we appreciate you sharing your special memories/days with us!  Contact Kay Campe with questions at (507) 236-9097 or kayanncampe@gmail.com.
Car keys were found on the front lawn. Please call the office (507-235-5382) or stop by if they could be yours!



 March Blessing Box: MN Food Drive

               Diaconate:Dave Huset