
319 Downtown Plaza, Fairmont, MN 56031

Worship Board

1st Wednesday 6pm

Dolores Gronewald

David Meschke

Cindy Huset

Kay Campe

Ellen Germain

Margo Weaver

Diaconate Board

2nd Wednesday 5:30pm

Sue Kruse

Eric B Johnson

Sue Eisenbacher

Tom Barrick

Dave Huset

Kris Fuller

Facilities Board

2nd Tueday 6:00pm(Nov-Apr) & 7:00pm(May-Oct)

Mike Thate

Robert Lunz

Dean Grotte

Larry Lasch

Zachary Ashland

Larry Thompson

​​​Administrative Assistant

Christina Hainy - 507-235-5382

Office Hours: Tuesday thru Friday  9:30 am-12:30 pm

Email:  uccsecretary319@gmail.com

Choir Director

Joyce Jorgenson

Choir Practice at 7 PM Wednesdays, Sept-May

Come and Join Us!  All are welcome!


​Jenny Willard

Hospitality Board

2nd Thursday 5:30pm

Sherry Larson

Donna Grotte

Jon Neitzel

Terri Luetgers

Rebbeca Lunz

Tara Thedens


Reverend Cory Germain

Office Hours:

Mondays 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Tuesdays  9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Wednesdays  12:30 pm thru evening meetings

Thursdays  9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Fridays are the Pastor's day off

Cell Phone - 507-399-8282 [local number]

Pastor Cory's email address: FirstCongoUCCPastor@gmail.com 

Christian Ed Board

2nd Wednesday 5:45pm

Melissa Goerndt

Cheryl Ashland

Sophia Brummond

Abby Shoen

Britney Goerndt

​Skyler Weber

2025 Boards

Church Council

Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 5:45 PM

                   Moderator:              Kay Campe  

                   Vice Moderator:     Amanda Forstrom

                   Past Moderator:     Cynthia Celander

                   Treasurer:                Catherine Johnson

                   Church Clerk:           Christina Hainy

                    Finance/At Large:   Carol Barrick

​                    Liaisons from other boards

                    Financial Secretary:  Deb Adams

Mission Board

1st Wednesday 5:30pm

Amanda Forstrom

Dave Adams


Marcia Musser

Jim Bock

Renae Vetter